Alphedia Arara offers Dragon Soul Channelilngs to assist you on your life path.
Alphedia channels the Dragon Realm to speak through her to give you a direct message for your soul’s growth.
Guidance comes from the Dragon who wishes to communicate with you. Fascinating healing, insights and information can be brought through, it is an amazing experience to hear their words.
Dragon Soul Channelings are around 15 minutes of direct talking from the Dragon that comes forward for you. Alphedia will also speak after the channeling giving any other wisdom or information.
They are recorded in her Sacred Space at Dalriada, the ancient kingdom of the standing stones and circles in West Scotland and are emailed out to you as an MP3 audio recording.
You should receive your Dragon Soul Channeling within one month of purchase.
If you have any questions you wish to ask the Dragon Realm (maximum of 3) please add them to your order.
"I just wanted to thank you for the dragon reading. It was just such high calibre work; the essence of the messages so far reaching and penetrating. It is going to help me immensely in areas that truly matter to me.
I did get a real insight into some basic programming in me. When you told me my soul name, I burst into tears. In that moment where the essence of my name, what knowing my soul name meant to me moved like a fusion released into my chest and body, I realized I was programmed to an either or way of being and operating. That was, if I embraced and lived who I really was, I wouldn't make it in this human world and do what I came to do. But no sooner empathing that, I realized that by doing that very thing it would make being here a whole lot easier. The programming had been keeping both worlds separate. Doesn't sound like much but definitely highlighted that immediate conflict.
Awareness is a grand thing. And the intelligence and energy of what had been my guardian dragon were quite transforming for me. As if this reading had made my journey a much more palpable inner journey. Great power there for growth and learning. A deeper sense of PURPOSE. Love and Hugs " Katalynia, England