Would you like to receive personal channelled guidance in your life?
Alphedia Arara offers you this rare opportunity to hear direct spiritual wisdom and support to help you in any area of your life from an Angel, Elemental, Ascended Master, Star Being, Goddess or a personal guide. These sessions have helped thousands to lead fulfilling guided lives on Earth.
Alphedia has channelled for thousands of people all around the world and her Personal Soul Channeling offerings are incredibly popular.
In the Personal Soul Channellings you can request a particular deity to come forward or leave it up to them to step forth. You can ask up to three questions when booking.
Any topic can be asked about including relationships, health, financial, spiritual growth and self development.
People find the information brought through is very supportive and enlightening booking again and again.
We also offer .......
Popular Year Ahead Angel, Dragon and Galactic Forecasts which can be booked any time of the year.
These are audio recorded for you and sent by email for you to listen.
New offerings for 2025 are Unicorn Forecasts, Lemurian Conciouseness Channellings and the Fast Track your Ascension Mentorship, which is a month programme of channelled support, guidance and healing.