This Star Being connects with the consciousness of a Sirian Temple Builder.
The Sirians are very powerful healers particularly of our glands which are so important for our chakra balance health. When we are out of balance within our gland system it indicates particular issues we are carrying as souls within our matrix. Sirians are pioneer technicians of healing techniques on Earth. Balancing leylines and Earth healing and by far the most populous of the star seeds incarnate on Earth at this time. Work with Sirians when you as a soul are ready to upgrade yourself in your ascension path fully.
Crystal Properties
* Green Aventurine is an excellent stone to establish a strong connection with the elemental realms. It helps to connect to Mother Earth and has a gently grounding effect.
* It is a heart stone and assists with healing the physical as well as the spiritual heart.
* Sometimes known as the stone of good luck, it helps people to manifest prosperity in their lives.
* An excellent emotional healer and great for helping one bring hope, optimism and joy into their lives.
* Helps to release past life relationships or situations and support with change and soul growth.
* Promotes feelings of well being and enables emotional recovery from trauma.
* It has gentle energy and is often referred to as the comforter stone, children are very attracted to this crystal.
* Tiger's Eye is a stone of the Golden Ray, helping to connect with the Christ Consciousness.
* It helps with lifting dark moods, alleviating depression.
* Creates a high vibration within a grounded state.
* It works on the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras.
* Tiger's Eye energises the body, improving strength to overcome fatigue or discouragement.
* It aids with mental clarity and is an excellent stone for advanced meditators.
* Tiger's Eye assists with healing issues of self worth and helps one overcome self criticism.
Length: 8cm
Width: 7cm
Height: 7.5cm
Weight: 508g
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