“Greetings, Greetings Dear Ones, I am Archangel Metatron.
As always I come forward in joy and light to support you at this challenging but exciting time on Earth.
The energies of this New Moon are about moving forward. About taking action and following through.
Have you been thinking of beginning a new project? have you been considering a life change? For now it is the time to act upon this.
Perhaps you’ve just been feeling stuck as if old wounding, past life timelines and conditioning have engrained you into a place of inurement.
Well this Moon’s energy will be driving you forward to move more in alignment to your soul’s truth.
Know that as you start to move more closely to being an expression of the Divine soul within, you have the ability to radically manifest whatever it is your soul is wishing to be an expression of.
At this time it is about becoming aware, for awareness is the key to spiritual success.
When one is able to observe themselves, taking a step back and just witnessing your patterning, your behaviour and your conditioned responses to situations then you move closer to self mastery.
The self mastery codes and the trinitization process that is embarking now to prepare you for the shifts in 2019.
This moon works to help you dissolve resistance, to help you to feel confident to take action.
It is easy to sit back and allow the World to play around you but the key for light workers now is to drive forth this new World to actually make the choices and the decisions so that you no longer live in a paradigm of fear, limiting yourself with doubts and erroneous beliefs.
Some of you are so conditioned into your reality you cannot see any alternative as you are still living from the head rather than the heart.
And so for this next stage of the Ascension journey it is about deciding to take action, deciding to manifest and not staying stuck in the old paradigm where you are limited by your financial beliefs, your health beliefs and your fears, anxieties and concerns.
Now it is the time to live. Gaia upgrades her template portal on 15th December. The period between 12th and 15th will be intense for many of you but this is a time to really utilise the energies so you no longer have to accept your limitations.
Dream big dear ones for this is what this Moon cycle offers you.
I give you an invocation to say now daily to support you on the next stage:
“I call upon the energies of Archangel Metatron to come forth and be with me now.
I ask you to aid me on my Ascension path.
I ask you to highlight to me where I am limited by being unconscious.
I ask for my awareness of self to increase dramatically.
I ask for my power to bring forth changes to be activated fully.
I ask for the guidance to see clearly my soul’s truth and I ask to be an expression of my inner Divine light at all times, to bring forth the changes that are required within me and for the World at large.
I will now bring forth a healing meditation to support you in harnessing the New Moon codes to help you come out of your place of slumber and into an awakened conscious reality. Namaste.”
"I just wanted to say how much I love the Metatron New Moon meditation. I’m doing it daily and it really helps me to break down my current patterns of “stuckness”. And the Gong Bath is exquisite! So helpful! Please give my appreciation to Auraengus Yvonne, England