Join Alphedia Arara with her stunning 7kg large Iron Pyrite Crystal skull called Arcan to receive healing from our Father Imprint. When we are under age 3 most of our subliminal programming we receive in terms of how to live as a soul in a human body on Earth imprints at this child development time. If your father was absent growing up this healing will work on the absent father imprint on you also.
There is no live link to join or recording with this real time energy transmission healing!
Join Alphedia with powerful Arcan crystal skull offer Sunday's healing offering on our father imprinting.
Two time slots available now or option to book both for double healing experience.
Arcan will be offering to heal us from imprinting of behaviour, beliefs, and subliminal programming imprint we took on from our Father when growing up.
If you did not grow up with your biological father or a father figure Arcan will heal any imprinting your received from have an absent father or never knowing your father.
Imprinting is the behavioural process we learn for survival as a baby from our mother (or mother figure) to keep us safe and guide us through life.
The father imprinting more affects the behaviour, thought forms and beliefs affecting the child and mother in the way to respond to situations and creating a safe home environment which then imprints on to you.
If you grew up with your father present you may have taken on their beliefs and attitudes with regards to money, work, love, relationships and behavioural triggers. If your father was emotionally distant or violent or even ill and did not go out to work these can all have subliminally imprinted onto you.
As we increase in vibration and spiritual self awareness we can see the limitations that this imprinting can have put on us through our lives or erroneous belief patterning we have taken on from our fathers.
Some of you may have taken on the "Be Daddy's good girl/boy imprint" where you are striving and living your life trying to please or impress them or prove them wrong.
Arcan is offering in this healing to liberate us from imprinting that no longer serves us to be carrying or holding in our matrixes.
It does not mean you don't love your Father and these bonds will not be affected by this energy healing process, it just allows you to be independent as a soul of light on Earth and be healed from any underlying issues that the father imprint has caused you consciously or unconsciously in your life so far.
If you have any feelings of ill will towards your Father or they bullied or hurt you in any way, Arcan's healing will help you get to a neutral place emotionally of viewing your Father and or even finding forgiveness which is the first key of ascension if your soul is ready for this.
This will be a 50 minute healing on your Father imprints within your energy matrix. This can facilitate deep healing in your Father relationships releasing anger, fear, frustration, hurt as well as giving you a Divine perspective on your Father. If your Father was not in your life growing up the skull will show you and work on healing any other male that imprinted onto you in the care giving role. Also he will work on the absent father matrix.
The last ten minutes will be balancing, recalibrating and integrating the healing shift in your matrix.
Channelled Message from Arcan
"Greetings it is a great honour and joy to come forward to support you in removing and healing the Father imprints from you that no longer serve you.
Your Father is the representation of the Divine Masculine energy in your life from an early age.
The Father imprint occurs as a child watching how your father interacts with you and your mother or others in the family dynamic.
If your Father was not living with you or was absent this emotional imprinting can affect the way you behave in relationships, view the world, your relationship with money and feeling safe on Earth.
One of the Divine Masculine energy roles is to provide stability and safety as a child grows up.
This however is often unfulfilled or distorted in some way.
I will be helping you to heal any father imprint distortions and support you emotionally with the father energies.
When you bring the masculine energies into balance you are able to receive with greater ease the love and abundance of the universe.
Letting go of resentments, suppressed anger, fear and I will help you be free of any hooks of control and cords of fear with your father and or father figures.
There is no live video link to join or audio recording with this real time energy transmission healing!
As always Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu will be holding the space to connect in each and every one of you who wishes to part of this transmission to the consciousness of Arcan.
There will be no live recording or video of this, as this is a real time receiving transmission.
It is happening in the multidimensional universal form of consciousness.
If you book prior to this transmission, your name will be placed under Arcan and connected in by Alphedia Arara at the start of this transmission.
It is advised that you drink plenty of water before and after this transmission.
If you are active during it and unable to meditate, then take time when you are able to meditate to connect with Arcan and ask to integrate all the healing work that has been done on you and it will be so.
You may wish to print out a photograph of Anka and place this under your pillow/chair whilst you meditate or carry it with you if you are going about your daily business at this time.
Alphedia will place your name under Arcan and connect you with the lovely skull for your activation.
“Thank you Anka such beautiful healing energy! Always soothing and reassuring xx”
This was powerful …..the last ten minutes searing….. Eshana Dragon Group Healing
That was very powerful Alphedia! Lots of healing happened, chakra healing, healing on the right side of my head and much more.. thank you Zooranka & Alphedia Zooranka Crystal skull group healing
Feel great! Very subtle to start with. My whole body felt like every part had been ultrasonically cleansed and then magnetically aligned leaving me neutral, peaceful and very present. Sherling Group Healing
“Very powerful, direct energy to my back and to my heart then it radiated all over me. So loving and soothing. Helped erase mind worries. Then I radiated energy to peace in world. Thank you! love to all.” – Ardmano Group Healing
“It’s awakened my own spiritual path again!! Been more focused xxI love the skull healings think they are great.” – Sherling Group Healing
“Thank you and Rafundus so much for this wonderful, profound healing!Incredible, honestly. ” – Rafundus Dragon Group Healing