Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu invite you to join them with the Pluto Planetary Beings at this New Moon in Scorpio.
Scorpio is a water sign which brings up from the depths of your soul all that is hidden in your emotions, thoughts and physical life.
This therefore makes it a great time to uncover and heal that which is hidden.
This New Moon in Scorpio occurs at 12.47pm on 1st November.
We are travelling that day however in England, so Alphedia has recorded a meditation for you to listen to on the this day to tune into the New Moon energies.
The Pluto Planetary beings offer us the opportunity to connect with the deepest parts of our soul.
They are the furthest away Planet from the Sun and are able to hold their light within.
We are all on the ascension journey of inner self mastery and to fully ascend to the light we have to go into the deepest recesses of our soul to shine the light and heal aspects that have been too huge, traumatic and too awful to want to remember.
When we allow ourselves to heal at the deepest level we surrender all our programming, our conditioning, our “stories” we have built up to help us feel safe when we are in body.
Many of us are ready to heal not only from Earth lifetimes but from other experiences in other Star Systems and Planets.
When we get to the level of Galactic Ascension which we are preparing for at the next Portal, we start to see the vastness of who we are and the vastness our consciousness.
This is an exciting opportunity for Advanced Soul Healing!
One you have been waiting for, hoping for and working towards being able to access for many lifetimes of incarnations.
The Pluto Star Beings have invited the Antarians to come forward to assist us in this Multidimensional healing meditation transmission this New Moon too.
They are located within Scorpio and carry the great Mother Nuture healing codes for the Galaxy.
This new moon offers us a choice to HEAL at at truly deep vibrational level.
Scorpio energy allows the deepest wounds to surface so can be free to move ahead with ease.
Alphedia Arara will lead you through an invocation to connect with the Pluto Planetary Beings, connecting you to their healing energy and wisdom.
You will then be led on a channelled guided meditation in the Scorpio energies to prepare your energy field for your journey astrally to Pluto with the sacred sound instruments of the Tibetan singing bowls and percussion to create a fully sensory immersive experience.
You will receive a live channeling from the Pluto Healers about healing the deepest aspects of yourself.
We will then set some New Moon intentions for deep healing.
You will receive a Pluto Planetary crystal Ascension Sphere Attunement to raise your vibrations.
Alphedia will channel live a multi dimensional meditation journey with the Pluto healers where you will be taken on an Antarian Spacecraft and connect with their healing light also.
This meditation journey will be supported by live high frequency sound healing from sacred instruments to help you astrally journey to receive the deepest healing your soul is requesting at this time.
To ground and integrate you, a 5 minute Pluto crystal skull healing will be offered.
This workshop will culminate with the live Scorpio Gong Bath to assist you with integration and healing through the all pervading frequencies of the Lotus Gong with Auraengus Manu.
You can listen to the 15 minute Pluto meditation to start your healing journey on the actual day of the New Moon.
“Greetings it is an honour for us to come forward to offer our powerful healing on the deepest aspects of yourself.
As you evolve and grow spiritually you raise your energy vibration.
This opens the doors to let light into parts of yourself you have been carrying in your soul matrix which have been inaccessible to bring healing light to.
We offer to open these inner doors which you have been holding tightly shut.
Allow our loving powerful healing light to transform and heal you not only at a cellular level but at a deeper energetic level too.
Now the intensity of the light flooding onto Earth means that you can start to glow and move to living daily in your illuminated self emanating so much spiritual light for all to see.
The time for hiding is in the past.
That which is hidden now must come to the light for the next stage of your path of ascension.
Celebrate this opportunity and most of all ALLOW yourself to receive the healing that your soul requires.
You will receive the Vimeo video link to join the workshop before the workshop starts and worksheets.
Once you have paid the link is automatically emailed to you on your receipt of purchase.
Please locate this before the event and contact us before the course starts if you cant’ find it :
The video link is available from the point of booking on your receipt, with the worksheet emailed on the day of the course.
You may have to relog on to Vimeo if you go on too early and we are not yet live.
Vimeo does not run onto the live feed automatically like some other platforms.
You will be sent a link to the video and audio files after they have been processed which can take hours to process and upload the video to and a few days to process the audio.
If you have the Vimeo app on your phone or computer it will store all your courses with us in the app to watch any time.
Select Live Attendance option when booking.
You will still receive the live video link on receipt of purchase.
An archive link of the Video will be sent as soon as possible after the event.
A archive link to the MP3 audio recordings of the workshop will be sent to you after processing.
Select After Event option when booking.
Please read the About Workshops page for more details.
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Use the Vimeo app on phone or preferably desktop, enable chat before you log on.
Given recent difficulties with our mast in the glen, if you get thrown off due to an outage, just attempt to rejoin using the same link.
The quality of the experience live will depend on the strength of your broadband and WiFi signal.
It is best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.
However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 transmission that will be available for download afterwards.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at
Technical issues: or use what’s app +447799963882 if you need urgent response. This is checked half an hour before the course starts.
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.