Celebrate this Full Moon in Taurus with Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu for this channelled live transmission.
Join the Golden Lyran Dragons as they strengthen your inner power, assist you with Soul Mastery and enable you to embody fully your Divine Presence.
In this workshop they will be teaching about reclaiming back your inner power.
Bringing through Golden Lyran Healing Codes to enable you to be more connected to Divine Source at all times thereby allowing you to be an empowered Divine Soul on Earth.
This Full Moon is in the sign of Taurus and occurs at 21.28pm allowing us to meditate over the actual Full Moon point.
When we come to Earth we go through the veils of illusion which cause us to forget our Divinity and lives and learning from the past.
As we return to our inner sovereignty and power we remember who we are, truly embody who we are and step out of the grids keeping us in lower conscious awareness.
By doing this we become a living embodiment of the Divine which is the purpose of all who come to Earth.
We can manifest with greater ease and we can regain health and vibrate at a higher frequency.
The Golden Lyran Dragons are a race of Dragons who have mastered the Golden frequency of empowerment.
Do you feel you are held back at times? Or are holding yourself back in some way? Do you feel at time limited or unfulfilled in life?
Do your big dreams struggle to manifest? Or you may feel you don’t have the skills to change your life.
The Dragons are master transformers. They can help you to shift frequency and to awaken your spiritual powers within.
To support your being having and experiencing what it is your soul is seeking for fulfilment within.
The Lyrans are an advanced golden race from the star constellation of Lyra.
They are supporting those on Earth with their powerful Golden healing light.
When you connect with the Lyran energy your soul increases in vibration.
The benefit of having an increased energy vibration is you have more energy, strength, vitality and positive life experiences.
Your consciousness evolves and you reconnect easier with your soul path and purpose for being here.
The Golden Dragons from Lyra are 10th Dimensional frequency, connecting with us a bringing through a powerful multidimensional healing experience.
When you are ready to commit to becoming fully realised in this life time the Lyrans call out to you and you are attracted by their frequency.
Enjoy an evening in the presence of the beautiful Golden Lyran Dragons and receive their channelled wisdom they offer us from their amazing Galactic race.
Alphedia Arara will channel a powerful Invocation for you to use to connect with the Golden Lyran Dragon energy to empower us.
She will then lead you on a channeled energy field preparation transmission meditation with sound healing from the Tibetan singing bowls.
Clearing your chakras, removing any stuck energies in your aura, entities and influences from others.
Alphedia will then channel live the Golden Lyran Dragons so we can learn how to work with them in our daily lives.
You will experience a Self Realisation exercise to look at where you a not in empowered in your life.
When we are fully present as a soul being our authentic self, rather than our ego self, we are enlightened.
You will receive a Crystalline Ascension Sphere Attunement with the Golden Lyran Dragons.
Then you will be led on the powerful channelled live meditation transmission with the Golden Lyran Dragons, journeying to Lyra Star with them to their Temple of healing transformation.
Here they will work on assisting you in being in your inner power, knowing you can manifest with ease, feeling inner fulfilment and living on Earth in an empowered state of being where you know you can create a soul fulfilling life.
This transmission is supported by the live, soothing sounds of the Tibetan singing bowls and percussion played by Alphedia Arara.
This powerful meditation experience of journeying astrally to receive deep spiritual healing and psychic guidance and wisdom.
We will finish with a Lyra crystal skull healing from Alphedia’s green aventurine Lyran skull to ground and anchor us.
As always those who are on the live video call will be able to get channelled support and personal guidance from Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu with wisdom from the Golden Lyran Dragons supporting this workshop this Full Moon.
Alphedia Arara has been channelling Full Moon Workshops for over 12 years every month.
Many have taken part in them around the world and have experienced great transformations.
You can listen to the meditations and information for years to come and it will still support you in your life.
“Greetings, It is an honour for us in the Golden Lyran Dragons to communicate and offer our healing services to you on Earth at this time.
As tenth dimensional light beings we have mastery over the denser energies that affect those in the lower frequency matrixes.
This offering from us is to support you in becoming empowered within as a soul.
To know you can master the lower frequencies and the ego to return to your full power.
This is now just a spiritual healing offering from us but also it will bring empowerment to all areas of your life.
You can master your finances, your health, your career and your relationships to manifest from the heart and your soul truth.
We will help you identify and transform the stories that have held you back.
Allowing you to choose to raise your vibrational frequency and step onto the next stage of your path fully empowered within.
If you feel your life still has drama and difficulty we will help elevate your consciousness to understand the why’s on a deep soul level bypassing the ego drivers.
This is soul mastery when you can surrender and trust.
Take guided action with ease and move forward with out the lower frequency emotions.
It is an honour and a joy to connect with you.
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
In order to get to the most of the experience if you chose to watch live, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker in order to hear all the frequencies of the Gong.
Depending on your strength of broadband and WiFi signal, will depend on the quality of the experience live, best to be connected with laptop or computer with a wired network connection.
However the levels will all be adjusted and set perfectly for you in the MP3 transmission that will be available for download afterwards.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at info@elementalbeings.co.uk. & auraengus@simplycure.me
Technical issues: auraengus@elementalbeings.co.uk
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.