The Celtic Sabbat of Samhain celebrates the Celtic New Year. This point in the Celtic Wheel is known as the period where the veils are at their thinnest on the Earth. This makes communication with the Spirit World and the Faery Realms easier for those who wish to connect in to the subtle realms.
To celebrate this Samhain Sabbat, Alphedia Arara channeled a Celtic Spirit Animal Guide Workshop.
Alphedia has been working for ten years shamanically with the spirit, otherwise known as power animal, guides.This year, they have come forth to ask for an opportunity to assist with connecting others into their realm.
Many of us have been Druids and Celts in past lives and this ancient knowledge of the land is reawakening and stirring in us. Samhain is a powerful time to remember the magic of the land and the old ways of spiritual knowledge.
In this Spirit Animal Workshop:
Your Spirit Animal Guide can be called on like your Guardian Angel to communicate guidance on your life’s path, to help you make choices and navigate smoothly through the next stage of your journey. The animals can often appear in dreams or physically in your life to help you like signs on decisions to take on the next stage of your path.
“Greetings, greetings, greetings, We come forth as a collective voice in unity to bring forward the Medicine Of The Animal Kingdom.
Many of you have a deep love for animals and feel a deep connection and are able to recognise the importance of their roles on Earth.
Many of you in the past have worked with the animal medicine in spirit form and we will come forward to meet you and greet you and give you messages of wisdom as to why we are with you at this time.
We will then take you on a second meditation to help you connect with us and our healing force and how this healing that we offer you as a consciousness can aid you on your life’s path at this time.
You will also receive an Ascension Sphere Attunement to connect you at the start into the spirit realm and an opportunity for any other spirit guides to make a connection with you to help you on your healing journey.
This will be a beautiful workshop where you are able to reconnect to your spirit animal guides, acknowledge their presence in your life and to support you through this next stage.
Each person will also be assigned a new spirit animal guide who wishes to come forth at this time.”