This healing was channelled live by Merlin through Auraengus Manu.
You do not require to know if you are stressed, what is causing you stress or control the healing in anyway.
Merlin works to support you and aid returning you to a homeostasis state of being.
Running different flavours of Vortex Merlin will aid you in relaxing deeply and letting go.
Assisting you with a new perspective and a healthy way to be in life.
Often it can be one key belief pattern we are holding that is stopping us letting go of stress state or indeed is inducing stress.
This healing will take the form of an energy transmission with Auraengus channelling Merlin and guiding you through this powerful Merlin Vortex healing session.
At the start of the workshop, Alphedia Arara begins by channelling Merlin so that he can bring us wisdom about our stress body and how to keep it in check.
He also explains to you the information he wishes to bring forward to the group collective.
Merlin works on your central nervous systems to assist them with unwinding living in a state of high alert.
Allowing you to rest more and feel calmer, clearer and more confident within.
This transmission can be listened to at any time you feel stress building back up again in your life.