🟡 This course is a spiritual explorers level course where basic spiritual understandings are built upon in the teachings and energy frequency increased in the meditations.
Fortingall has three stone circles and the famous Fortingall Yew tree which is the second oldest tree in the world.
It is here that the Male and Female Christ lines cross through Fortingall Kirk and in this high vibration spot we work together to release and activate the New Earth Templates.
This workshop includes a preparation meditation channelled before the Solstice moment, as well as the gathering at Fortingall Village Hall.
Here we work with Mother Gaia connecting profoundly to her consciousness as we prepare ourselves to anchor and release the New Earth Templates working with the Crystal Skull and Dragon Kingdoms.
We open up a Galactic Fairy Portal by the stone circles and we receive downloads of wisdom from the ley lines as well as the activation at the Fortingall Yew tree.
Alphedia channels through the activation from Archangel Metatron, the Sirians and the Pleiadians to allow your energy frequency to open up the Rainbow Diamond Heart within.
This means that going forward you will live from the Rainbow Diamond Heart Consciousness. This is a place of elevated consciousness, fifth dimensional reality.
This will be a massive upgrade for your energy fields and it will also support you throughout the next stage of the Ascension of Earth.
Metatron works with you in dissolving away and releasing anything that is lingering still, holding you back in lower emotional frequencies.
You then experience a Rainbow Diamond Heart attunement as well as preparation for the opening of the tenth dimensional Stargate in one of the stone circles - the middle one where the vortex is contained.
This is an exciting opportunity for your soul through part of this pioneering return of consciousness for Humanity, opening up potentials that have been, up to this point, closed off for you in your soul’s growth.
Alphedia uses her vast knowledge, facilitation in the field and channeling abilities to support you all through this experience, along with the support of sound healing and the crystal allies. You experience channelled guided meditations, crystal ascension sphere attunements and activations.
As always the Winter Solstice is a still point on Earth and we will hold a Still Point meditation to help you ground and connect with the significance of this moment.
Fortingall is a small village in the entrance to the beautiful Glen Lyon, one of the remotest parts of Scotland. It is known as the Alpha Grail (Primary) (ingress) Threshold or Grail castle of the Christ energy grid of the planet.
That is where the Christ energy grid energies are received, anchored and distributed throughout the earths crystalline grid. It is said that Jesus visited to receive the christ energies and that his forebears emigrated to Galilee from Fortingall.
In this high vibration energy spot on the planet your soul collects and releases codes to help further you ascension journey.
Greetings, greetings, greetings dear ones, it is with honour and joy that we are able to connect this way.
I commend you for your pioneering spirit, I commend you for your service not only to your own soul and Monadic group but to all of the Elementals and other Beings of Light.
I will bring forward the Dragons, the Fairies, the Tree Spirit Consciousness and the Gnomes who guard the ley lines, who will all work with you as well as the Angelic Realm for this great Event.
Know your souls are ready and prepared if you hear the call to do this work on behalf of others, on behalf of yourself and others as well, this is an opportunity for us all to move through the Unification Stargate Portal so that separation illusion and distraction drop away.
As we resurrect Humanity’s consciousness the New Dawn is birthed.
As always I hold you as my children in love, in light and in joy. Namaste.”
Transmission Preparation & information
In order to prepare for such a powerful transmission, please make sure that you are well hydrated, have eaten a light meal beforehand, have your crystals around you, create your sacred space and make sure you are not to be disturbed.
Be kind to yourself after, make space for the changes in your body and energy field.
In order to get to the most of the experience, please listen through quality headphones, or buds or through a hi fi speaker.
Alphedia Arara and Auraengus Manu send you many blessings of support at this time and if you require any guidance or further assistance please feel free to contact them at auraengus@simplycure.me
Technical issues you can email : auraengus@elementalbeings.co.uk or what's app +447799963882
Auraengus Manu is a Healer, Homeopath, Gong Master, Vibrational and Flower Essence Practitioner, Master Soul and Merlin Vortex Wizard.
Please read in the recorded spiritual courses section of the website about how to download this recording if you are having difficulties.